
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Man or Wimp?

According to society, during the 60s and 70s man’s level of macho-ness defined him. During the 80s and 90s, being in touch with ones “feminine side” defined manhood. At the turn of the century, man’s level of assertiveness versus aggressiveness defined him.

Throughout all decades, men weren’t really defined by the ebb and flow of society, but by their own actions.

Proactive people take the initiative and responsibility to make things happen. They cause action rather than being victims of circumstance.
~Chris MacAllister

After pondering the above, I realized that God is the only one qualified to define manhood, as there are proactive people who are good and bad.

One day on the radio, I heard Ron Hutchcraft define a man based on Psalm 16:32.

“Better a patient man than a warrior; a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” See, God says that a real man is a conqueror—he conquers himself…his temper, his passions, selfishness, his coldness, his dark side.

I can testify that conquering oneself is by far the greatest achievement a man can hold. That elusive decision to take control of oneself is the greatest challenge of all. The ability to be gentle (holding ones power under control) when it is appropriate can only be done by a real man.

When I was coaching little league football, I had the opportunity to chat with Mike Singletary (Current head coach for San Francisco 49ers). I asked him, knowing that he was a Christian, how he could pound the daylights out of people on the field as a middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears. He shared that when he was on the field, he had a job to do and he did it with passion and excellence (proven by his record), but when he left the field he was a man of God who chose gentleness above all else.

For a man, it is right to take control of your life and make sure it reflects the person you desire to be. As for me, I will serve the Lord.

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