

Everyone faces problems during hard times. Most hearts are driven to search for answers from God. Some wonder why He allows us to walk through the difficulties and not remove us from the struggles we face.

CJ faced numerous adversities in life and gained fresh insights into the pursuit of God’s help and presence. He found a new hope that encouraged him from a sense of being paralyzed, to taking a few baby steps toward a mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy lifestyle and into a new life of prevailing over his circumstances.

Using powerful stories and practical applications of God’s nature and guidance, CJ helps individuals find God in hard times. CJ’s life has become a testimony of God’s healing through the ministry of hope. He is available to share his stories in your area to bring hope to those who are suffering.

Every talk is filled with true life stories that touch the heart, practical applications of the Bible and encouraging words that instill hope into the listener. Topics vary, but the same truth from God’s word draws the hurting to a loving savior who desires to heal and help.

Topics include:

- Drawing Out Your Man’s Verbal Intimacy
- Communicating in Your Spouses Language

- The Golden Divorce
- Choosing to Recover and Move On
- Healing the Shredded Heart

- Re-Engaging a Life on Hold
- Understanding the Why of Death

- No Longer A Victim
- Overcoming Hurtful Family Relationships
- Breaking the Cycle of Dysfunctional Family Gatherings

- I Can
- Surviving with Respect Intact
- Helping Those Who Don’t Get It

CJ’s talks include dramatic videos and can be done as sermons, workshops, retreats, men or women’s gatherings, outreach or special events. The talks can be presented with an evangelistic or healing focus.