
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bringing Hope by Battling Complacency

I got together with a group of eight guys last night to chat about life. We all come from different backgrounds, making the experience rich and worthy to be treasured. The conversation was heartfelt and very real, unlike the perceptions that men can’t go deep.

The topics of most interest, seemed to surround success and complacency. Most found that the more successful the man, the more complacent he becomes. And, the more complacent he becomes, the more the family unit deteriorates. However, we found one exception that thwarts the downward spiral.

If a man’s success is not based on the monetary standards of our society, but rather on spiritual activism that reaches out to others regularly, complacency is broken and the family is strengthened. Plus, those around watching or being affected by the ripple effect find strength and comfort from the exercise – leading them to let go of complacency.

I couldn’t help but realize that when I’m exhausted in attempting to overcome a negative battle, that is the exact time others are watching with hope for their own future. They just want to know that it can be done. They desire to understand that effort can be effective when there seems to be little hope. In fact, the moment someone steps out of their own pain long enough to help others, hope is dispatched to all in need and to those watching.

The next time I find myself tired and not wanting to fight the same unending battle, I will remember that someone is watching and hoping I persevere and turn the tables of complacency into activism for the sake of others gaining hope. I shall be a standard for those who need to gain strength during times of unrest. I shall stand firm in what is right until those attacking out of selfish ambition give way to those who serve for the sake of others. And, should I fall in exhaustion, I shall count on my friends to life me up so I can continue where I left off.

Will you be a standard for someone today and bring hope into their lives?

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